This past weekend I had so many emotions going! The realization of the Lord’s love for me, the dedication of committed people who have given themselves to serve so willingly, the hard work and above all the presence of the Lord. In all four services we saw many first time guests and we had the joy of seeing 41 people come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. It was a huge time for us. We’ve been doing multiple services for quite some time now at Lompoc Foursquare Church, and the one thing we fully understand is that you cannot do this, any of this, without a lot of servants. We are so blessed here with a phenomenal core of people who serve the Lord and so many others who joined in to help with everything from the incredible “much more than continental breakfast” to parking cars, running cameras, singing in the choir, dancing with the dance team, playing on the worship team, being a part of the drama (both live and recorded video) and helping with the kids tent and much more. As one of our servants said: “Pastor Bernie, each time a hand goes up to say ‘Yes’ to Jesus, I feel that what I do in serving has a part in that decision.” You know what? They are absolutely right. When we are serving the Lord together, we are workers in the harvest and making an eternal difference. Thanks to all who prayed, served, invited family and friends, you helped open the door (figuratively and literally) for people to meet Jesus. You also opened the door for many to get better acquainted with Jesus. Again, the many new faces we saw were simply amazing. They will, as we always do get a thank you letter, a response card and an invitation to come again, as we launch a new series, this Sunday: The Gap: Living in the Gap when God seems distant. Another thing I was reminded of on Easter was that each service brings with it a unique sense of God’s presence and a different opportunity for an encounter with Jesus Christ. Different moments in different services had different reactions or a different touch from God. At each service, I looked out and realized that although we sang the same songs and I preached the same messages, God did a totally unique work in lives. It is that way because God knows the uniqueness of the lives that are in each service. All kinds of people from all kinds of backgrounds will all kinds of needs. Some really seeking God, some came to watch a family member or friend sing in the choir or dance. But God did something in each of them. Even though some did not respond to salvation today, they are one step closer to Him and were confronted once again with His presence and the power of love flowing through the people of LFC. I am so grateful to all of you. I believe in all that we did, we allowed God to have His way and for anyone who wanted to step up and serve, to do just that. I believe more than 41 were transformed in some way and as hearts were and will surrender to Jesus that eternities will changed.What a weekend for LFC and a great few days for the Kingdom all over the world and what a privilege to be just a small part of what God is doing! Now, I understand that many did much, and some of you have yet to step up and serve. I felt compelled to end our each of our four Easter services with a simple statement of servanthood. I stated: “It took so many people to serve you, to feed you, to provide all you saw here…….and my challenge to you, is that you too would find a place to serve, here at LFC, or at a school, or the hospital or convalescent center or…..but find a place to serve. Since Good Friday and Easter are all about a Savior who gave and served, we too are most like Him when we do the very same thing – serve.” If you are reading this and have not yet found a place of service, we really need you and we commit to helping you find your way and encouraging you in the process – no pressure from us and now excuses from you, just step in and go for it. As a church, we need to be constantly improving, always asking ourselves “What can I do to better myself?” Someone asked, “Pastor Bernie, I think we have done so much, when will you be satisfied?” I thought for a moment and responded, “I will be satisfied when everyone in Lompoc, and our surrounding county areas, those at Vandenberg are all saved, and all those attending LFC are serving!” A tall order and a huge dream, but I say we go for it. Once you reach a place and think it’s static, you’re obsolete. The world will go right by you. Let’s keep going for it. Thanks LFC for the type of church you are and for letting me be your pastor, even one who is banging on the drums on Easter for the King. Let’s keep going for it and seeing lives changed and people find value by living, loving and serving in the context of this local church – LFC. It’s all about Him and all for His glory.
I love being your pastor,
Pastor Bernie FedermannPS: Also, don't miss out on the LFC STAFF BLOG.
Our Staff Journaling Blog: can read some of the journaling of our LFC staff members at this site above. It gets updated several times per week, so check back often or add it to your RSS feed list.
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