This has been an amazingly busy week. The kind in which you just finish one thing and something else comes your way or five things come at once. The kind in which, what you hoped to get done, just doesn’t seem possible because of the unexpected. But, I am not bringing up something foreign to you, nor am I complaining. You know those weeks because you traverse those waters yourself from time to time. What I have needed this week was a touch from God and then it dawned on me: He is everywhere! Most certainly He was with me last night as I spoke to the Rotary Club in Lompoc, or made some major decisions on our building projects, and today as I dealt with some sensitive issues and more. Most assuredly He is with me as I plan for a great weekend with Pastor Jack and Anna Hayford, the Presidents of our Foursquare denomination. Most confidently God will help me get through the next very full days, because He is God. Okay, He is with me and with you! And the words hit me clear and I have preached them to many of you: Look for the presence of God and not His absence! So I am looking and I am seeing Him. I see Him in the people around me and in my friends. I sense Him waiting in the wings – waiting for me to simply reach out to Him. So I pause, and acknowledge the Lord, speak His name and say: “There is no one like you Lord! Lord, I need your touch!’
Then I read the title for Sunday’s service and Pastor Jack’s message: “A Jesus Kind Of Touch” is the title. Coincidence? I doubt it. I know how God works and I know this too, that anyone with a need is a candidate for that touch. Anyone who needs some forgiveness, understanding or compassion is a candidate for His touch. I wonder how you might need His touch right now. I wonder if you are missing Him in the midst of busyness. I don’t know where Pastor Jack will take us, but I wanted to prepare your heart. You may need a THE CLEANSING TOUCH as it was for the leper, when Jesus encountered him. 'Be clean' Jesus said. In a similar story in Matthew's gospel, a leper says to Jesus 'Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.' Jesus reaches out, touches the man, and says 'I am willing. Be clean!' As I pictured Him in the wings, waiting for me, He was ready. He is always ready for us. The Lord is always been and always will be an open-heart surgeon. If we are closed, He won’t force the issue but if we are open to say: “If you are willing, I am ready! Oh Lord, touch us.” In the midst of our stress, pain, and our often selfish world – touch us. We need to know the cleansing touch of Jesus, to have our minds and bodies refreshed by his touch upon them. For some it will be the QUIETING TOUCH. In Matthew 8 we read that Peter's mother-in-law was lying in bed with a fever. Jesus touched her hand and the fever left her, and she began to wait on him. Jesus can bring to us the Quieting touch, which takes away the pain in our lives and brings peace to us. To others, the touch of Jesus is THE REASSURING TOUCH. When Jesus was transfigured and seen in the presence of Moses and Elijah, the disciples fell onto the floor in absolute terror. Jesus came up and touched them. 'Get up,' he said. 'Don't be afraid.' Some of you might be afraid, but Jesus comes to touch you and move you from fear to faith. How often do we need to hear those words 'Don't be afraid.' spoken with the confidence?
There are so many touches of Jesus in the bible, HEALING, COMFORT, INCLUSION, PROVISION.
But that's exactly what the touch of Jesus can bring to our lives when we need it.
As we will sing this Sunday, (a new song to most of you) ‘Because of Your Love.” The song states that because of God’s love we are forgiven and our hearts are clean. Allow Him to touch you and change your heart.I really look forward to gathering with you this Sunday, worshipping with you and our good friend Holger Fath on the guitar and our LFC singers and band and our special guest Pastor Jack Hayford. Come expecting the Lord’s touch. But don’t wait until Sunday. Go ahead and reach out to Jesus who is willing to touch us and waiting for our invitation. Come Sunday, ready to be touched but come having already been touched.
I love being your pastor and I love what God is doing in this season at LFC,
May we all be touched,
Pastor Bernie
More than words from Pastor Bernie Federmann
Friday, July 25, 2008
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