More than words from Pastor Bernie Federmann

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Summertime: Time for Building Relationships

The more we fall in love with God the more He fills our hearts and the more He fills our hearts the more we must move towards others. God made us to love us and created us with the capacity to give and receive love and to need love. There is a unique aspect to the church that can easily be missed. It is that fact that we are family, united by Christ, His body with many parts but one main goal. This summer is moving quickly and we have been intentional about our calendar and what we are offering our church family. I cannot urge you enough to make every effort to be with your church family, this Friday at Los Alamos Park and to simply avail yourself of opportunities there, this coming Sunday and the rest of the summer to build upon current relationships and to establish some new ones too. We have some great events too, in which you can serve with others and build relationships, the National Night Out (alongside our Police Department) and the Special Olympics Car Show. I can tell you that we will need additional hearts and hands for these events and I am hopeful people don’t assume we have all the help we need – truth is, we do not and we have had some key families and servants move away so we are hoping others will step up and fill in. The agenda, for sure, is to serve, but also to serve alongside and build up relationships. You have a place in the Body and without you we miss what God can bring through you. No one else can bring your contribution. You are unique and God made you that way. You are a part of the body of Christ – a part of LFC (if you attend here) and the part you play is vital to the health of our church (or the one you attend).
Every member has a function, a place in the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-21). It takes a while to find out what our place is in the local body but by testing the waters and stepping out and moving in a continuity of relationships allows for this to happen best. There are many who will encourage you, as you step out and as you find your place on a team, a Life Transformation Group, some community project or outreach we are working on, or even setting things up or cleaning up at the end.
On July 13th, we invite you to attend our Team LFC – it is open to all to come and check out the heartbeat of LFC and of Doing Church as a Team. Just thought I would plug it one more time! You see, the best thing to do is build relationships with others, to serve together, to open your heart to others who may need what you uniquely offer them.
Relationships aren’t built in the fifteen minutes shared over coffee or a brief greeting time in church or after Sunday morning service. A decision to get involved is your decision and we open our hearts and doors to you. Serving is an excellent way of getting to know people. It offers the chance of chatting, yet the focus is on a task, so that the burden of conversation doesn’t fall on one or the other person. Practice being a good listener; be interested in others, be open to making this summer a time for relationships. You will become stronger and so will all of us.
Let’s keep moving forward, becoming more united and ready to serve as a family,
Much Grace to you all,
Pastor Bernie

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