More than words from Pastor Bernie Federmann

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

LFC - His Church - Living Heart-First

Our building expansion is coming to the final stretches of finish, fix-its, adjustments and soon our final permits will be in hand. This has been a longer than anticipated journey, but well worth it. I marvel at seeing our congregation have some elbow room and that our future has some "room for growth too. Sunday was an amazing day and we honored our Moms and thanked them for giving us birth and we celebrated in worship, thanking God that He gave the church its birth - as it was Pentecost Sunday - the birth of the Lord's church during a worship service.
Last night was buzzing around LFC with our elevate youth ministries going on while our church council was meeting. It was great to see our fine youth leadership team move into action and then to have opportunity to sit with some incredible people (our church council) that help me lead and guide this church all the while making great financial decisions. This group of supporting people and the awesome team that serve Sunday after Sunday and week after week, made me think of a recent scripture reading and journal entry I made. But before I share that, let me simply say, how grateful I am that LFC is the church it is and the church it is becoming. We are moving forward with God's heart in us and we are more and more becoming His church. To that end let me encourage you to make sure you attend your LFC Connections when it comes around. These have been highly successful times of low-pressure fellowship and the building of relationships. Also, we continue to promote our Life Transformation Groups - our small group ministries here at LFC. These have proven to be vital aspects of health building to our church. It is up to you to decide if growing in relationships with others at our church is important or not. We do all we can to provide a variety of connecting points with you in mind and your heart and health too.
May you realize the value you have in my heart and that of the church and may you join me in applauding our servants!
"All these were fighting men who volunteered to serve in the ranks. They came to Hebron fully determined to make David king over all Israel. All the rest of the Israelites were also of one mind to make David king." (1 Chronicles 12:38)
These warriors were from various tribes of Israel, and had different backgrounds and cultures, but they gave themselves to a common cause and hope. They came to serve their king and leader – David, but ultimately knew they were serving the purposes of God. The support David received was amazing as thousands upon thousands came and voted for David as king. Their votes were cast with the willingness to do more than applaud but to serve with their time, talent and treasures. They gave their skills and lived heart-first. How true this is of our servants who in a sense war to move our church forward. Team LFC is a group of warriors with a heart to give themselves not only to the community and fellowship but to the cause. The characteristics and heart of our servants is incredible! From our staff, to our church council, to our youth team and our children’s team and on and on. Simple amazing. Hundreds of valuable servants give of themselves to serve Jesus our King, and provide support for me to pastor and lead the church under God’s mighty hand of leadership.

I am overwhelmed with a great sense of gratitude for God's work in my heart and a great sense of gratitude for the willingness of gracious servants. May I never take for granted, the work of God in the hearts of others to serve Him – may I always recognize those who live with a brave sense of loyalty, courage, and giving as volunteer warriors.Although I'm on staff, being paid as a pastor, I never want to lose the heart of willingly volunteering unto the Lord both inside and outside the church. It's not the pay that motivates me - it's the understanding of my call to serve Jesus with others. I continue to cast my vote, to make Jesus King of my life and serve side by side with others at Lompoc Foursquare Church and into our community at large. As I volunteer to serve in the ranks of God's army! I commit to advancing your Kingdom's purposes with my fellow soldiers!

Dear King and Leader, Jesus! Thank you for allowing me to serve you and receiving my service. Thanks for the wonderful people who serve along side me to make an eternal difference. May you add more to our ranks and build us up with hearts to encourage those who war well, those who are weary from war and those just beginning to join the troops. May we continue to be faithful to You and our fellow warriors in Your Kingdom.Amen

I love being your pastor,
Pastor Bernie

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