More than words from Pastor Bernie Federmann

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Pastor Bernie Federmann speaks at One of Americas Premiere Churches

Pastor Bernie had the privilege of being invited to speak at New Hope Christian Fellowship O'ahu this last weekend. New Hope Christian Fellowship is a Foursquare church with over 11,800 attendees. With there main location at Farrington High School, in Honolulu and other campuses around the island (such as Waianae, Leeward, Hawaii Kai, Honolulu and Diamond Head) this church is impacting many lives and hearts. Pastor Bernie shared at all five service times this weekend, his message was entitled "Loving out Loud - Turn up the Volume". This message is available online for the next few weeks and is currently featured on the main page of the churches website. Pastor Bernie stated: "What an honor to be invited to speak to this wonderful church and to spend face to face time with my dear friend, Pastor Wayne. I am honored and humbled." During pastor Bernie's sermon he gave an invitation to those wanting to say "Yes to Jesus for the first time and many responded! While there, Pastor Bernie was able to not only speak to large numbers of people live but via the live internet stream as well. One of his favorite things was to, as Pastor Bernie puts it; "love on the servants and encourage the staff and team." This was the second time for Pastor Bernie to speak at New Hope, an honor he had two years ago. The reason for Pastor Wayne to be gone was that he was speaking in India to over 1000 pastors.
If you are not familiar with Pastor Wayne Cordeiro, he is the senior pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship O'ahu and president of Pacific Rim Bible College. As well, Pastor Wayne is one of the worlds most sought after leaders and a prolific writer. We have been fortunate to have him visit us in Lompoc and speak to both our leaders and congregation. In the near future, and as his schedule permits, Pastor Wayne has committed to being with us again for the fourth time.
As we watched the live service; Pastor Bernie was introduced as having a church with the same "spirit and heart" as New Hope and being a dear friend of Pastor Wayne and associate pastor, Elwin Ahu. LFC has the same heart and DNA and it is underscored by the core value shared by both churches: "doing church as a team" as God's design for effective ministry.
After flying in on Thursday, Pastor Bernie had the honor of speaking and encouraging a group of ministry interns and bible college students, on Friday, teaching on the "Power of Staying" and Saturday shared a message with the Men's Ministry group.
We are grateful Pastor Bernie is back from his quick trip to O’ahu and will be with us and leading us in worship this Sunday. What a great joy to hear from Colonel Bob Gibson, a member of our church council and servants team, who spoke to us on the truth of the Gospel - "The Gospel in a Nutshell." His message is available from our resource tent on CD or DVD or you can contact the church office for more information. Below you will find some links on Pastor Bernie's message from New Hope.
As we think about our pastor and Bob Gibson, we realize God is using them, but He desires to use each of us. Where are you making room for Him to use you? Where are you stepping up and out?
Click this link to hear Pastor Bernie's sermon
Click this link to share in what the family at New Hope heard this Sunday in the written weekly sermon summary.
We are enjoying God's work through the life of our Pastor, the ministry of those who have stepped up and the heart of Lompoc Foursquare Church,
LFC Staff Writer

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