More than words from Pastor Bernie Federmann

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Season of ADVENTure

What incredible words....
Luke 2:14Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests." (NIV)
As we move into the season of Christmas, I am excited about our new series: “Saying YES at Christmas.” And rightfully so, since God said Yes to our need for a Savior, Jesus said YES to coming to this Earth for each of us. We can say YES at Christmas – at the season and at it – the heart and Spirit of Christmas. I am excited about all the progress being made on our church expansion and the upcoming Christmas celebrations and three Christmas Eve Services – Wow! But I wonder what God may be calling you to right now. I wonder what YES, He is waiting to hear from you. Christmas is surrounded with YES statements from angels, shepherds, wisemen, Mary and Joseph. It is a season filled with YES to giving and generosity. It is a season of adventure. Our sanctuary expansion almost done – what a great adventure, our next project beginning the first few months of 2008, what an adventure and lives being transformed one heart at a time – what and adventure! We hear a lot about the Spirit of Christmas this time of year. But you can find yourself exhausted at this time of year and asking yourself, "Do I have the Christmas Spirit?" And do “I have anything left in my tank in order to say, “YES?” Think of this: Many refer to Christmas Season as Advent. Advent is the beginning of ADVENTURE, a time in which the YES statements of many began the generous flow of God’s love and grace and peace to all. I think of the people you and I both know who need to meet the Savior and experience ADVENTure in their lives and have the peace that God intended for them to experience. I think of the lives we can impact at this Season, together. Are you thinking of people you can invite to church during this season? People you can bring to one of three Christmas Eve Services or to a Sunday AM? Think and pray - think and pray about who God would have you reach out to in this season and say YES to the promptings you sense from Him.
I think of all the children right now how are having “adventure” in their minds of imagination – tis’ the season for wishful thinking. Right now most children are developing wish lists for Christmas gifts. Moms and Dads are just wishing they had the funds and strength to make it through the month. Perhaps grandmother is wishing for a happy family reunion time when the whole clan gets together. And then we all “wish” each other a “Merry Christmas.” Hope is more than wishful thinking when it is placed in the Lord of Hope.
Henri Nouwen said it well:
Hope means to keep living amid desperation and to keep humming in the darkness. Hoping is knowing that there is love; it is trust in tomorrow; it is falling asleep and waking again when the sun rises. In the midst of a gale at sea, it is to discover land. In the eyes of another, it is to see that he understands you. As long as there is still hope, there will also be prayer. And God will be holding you in his hands. (Henri Nouwen, With Open Hand, 85)

The blessing for the birth of Jesus was powerfully spoken by Simeon. (Luke 2:25-35) It was Simeon who welcomed Jesus at the time of his dedication and declared how God would use him “in the days to come.” Looking to God’s future Simeon prophesied,
“This child is destined for the falling and the rising of many in Israel . . .” (Luke 2:34) He knew that God was at work in the future of this boy . . .and for all eternity! For you and for me. We know about the adventure of the baby Jesus growing up? He fulfilled this prophecy of hope that God is always working just ahead of us “in the days to come.” On a Friday the world reached its darkest moment as Jesus was crucified between two thieves. It seemed like defeat to anyone who watched…..but in it all the love Jesus had been shown, the talk of a new Kingdom, the miracles that he had performed, the teachings he gave all seemed to be dissolving into a pool of blood. We have no evidence of hope there at Calvary. But the adventure of Hope is when we actually believe the words of the angels to be true and the words of Simeon to be true as well. As the writer of Hebrews put it,
“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1, NRSV)
Life becomes an adventure of faith when we trust in the One who is already ahead of us in the future working for the good of those who love him. What if you lived in that reality this Advent season? Rather than just wishing for the best this Christmas, what if you lived in the belief that “in the days to come” God has something wonderful prepared for you? Mary lived with that hope . . . so did Joseph and Simeon. What about you? Will you say YES to the Lord right now….in this season and turn your future into a greater adventure.
Go for it – join the ADVENTure Season and say YES,
Pastor Bernie

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