More than words from Pastor Bernie Federmann

Thursday, December 27, 2007

2008 is Upon Us but Greater Still,

It is so true, and I am still moved by this phrase:
Amazing Things Happen on the Other Side of Yes
Hopefully it will become a piece of signage for our offices or foyer or in someplace that we can see it and recall it - it is too good a phrase and meant too much to me during the Christmas season to not keep alive into 2008.
As I sit in my office and think through all that happened this past weekend I am amazed! Sunday morning there was a great sense of God's presence as we worshipped and as I shared about the passion possessed by the Magi. I will share some of my "takeaways" from our weekend and three amazing Christmas Eve services. First, let me underscore the Magi passion. A passion that is not simply reduced to history or season - but should be possessed all year long.
Recall the points:
• Possess a Passion to pursue Christ.
1/ Refuse to be distracted.
This is a tall order in our life but as we move into 2008, my sense will be more distractions will pull at us than ever before. It will be our disciplined work to be diligent at staying focused.
Proverbs 4:23
Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life. (NASB)
Remember, as with the Magi, the minute you begin to move out and follow God, you will have distractions. Where there is motion there is friction. Where Christ becomes central there will always be distraction. Every time you determine to have a meaningful relationship with the Lord, there will always be people, things and feelings that will distract you from the Lord.
John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. (NIV)
Some thoughts on this: The cry of the hour is for people who will passionately pursue the Lord.The magi remind us to move from the fringe – to go and see. To Discover the Savior.
I gave an assignment out this past Sunday and here it is:It would do us well to define the life robbers that keep us from a real relationship with the giver of life. With all the cards, mailings, lists we have made to sit with the master and say: Lord, reveal to me the LIFE ROBBERS in my life. What is keeping me from saying YES TO the Lord and all He has for me?
It is easy to default to doing the good thing rather than doing the God thing.
Everything that looks good to us is not always good for us.
2 / Remain focused.
The North Star represented a place where real hope could be found – the north star represented a place where unconditional love could be found and the entrance of eternal life coming to the humanity – in the Christ Child. They focused on the The Star would get them to the Christ Child. As long as they stayed focused on the star they did not complain about life – about travel or about wanting peace. o When distraction hits reconnect with the goal.Every follower of Jesus needs a North Star strategy.It is impossible to fully know the heart of God without possessing a north star strategy. Guidance by the scripture, Daily bible reading, journaling, Life Transformation Groups, serving on a ministry team. Using your gifts and talents for God.
3/ Rearrange Your Priorities.
This is a great strategy for the New Year. Rearrange your priorities! A passionate pursuit with Christ will cause you to rearrange your priorities – your agenda will change. The interesting thing about the Magi’s trip to find Jesus was their desire not to get anything from him but to present awesome gifts to him. We often come to Christ or the church wanting only to receive when we should be coming to present our excellent offerings to our Lord. To do this we have to rearrange our priorities and our personal agendas and make serving Jesus our main goal. When the Magi got to Christ – they got it. They gave God their full attention.o Determine priorities by possessing a fixed focus faith.They gave God their best – they were fully present to God’s presence.
4/ Reroute Yourself.
Is there anything in your life that you need to reroute? A belief, a way you are going a desire, a relationship?
Matthew 2:12
And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route. (NIV)
Like the Magi, when we say YES to God, He directs us in ways previously undiscovered.
They gave their best to God. And God realized He could trust them with more than before.
Luke 16:10
Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much… (NIV)
Do you enjoy that verse? As a group of very blessed people we have been given much. And God is saying I TRUST YOU WITH IT…and I WILL GIVE YOU MORE as you prove trustworthy. Once we encounter the true and living God, we are no longer driven by the values of this world, but the values of the Kingdom. It is then that we find true meaning and purpose in living and become the hands and feet of Christ to our broken, dying and lost world.
The excellence in which everything was done was simply moving, but God's presence was definitely sensed. The music and the drama and the dance had so much effort put into them and really came together well. Our new lights were put to the test and our new speakers and it was amazing! I am so proud of our dancers - these fine young ladies danced from their hearts. As I shared on Monday night at both services, they were not simply dancing with legs and arms and their bodies, but with their hearts and presenting a gift - from their hearts. I was so amazed at their determination and the many Saturdays and Sundays they gave to pull this off. It was a moving tribute and a great closing to each of the three services. My message was a bit different in each service - based on level of need in the room and the many new faces and the few seasonal ones too! Our hot chocolate, hot cider and full coffee bar were a great hit along with the nice piece of various cakes provided. One young lady had several pieces of carrot cake along with several shots of whipped cream on her hot first, second and third hot chocolate. What an amazing time for me. I would love to hear from you on your take on the Christmas season at LFC and also your story of what God did in your life in 2007. We want to share people stories in 2008. So you can call the office or email us at and simply write how God worked through LFC to touch your life. We want to know!
Back to Christmas.....All in all we had 808 people attend our three services and we had ten people in the morning services say YES to Jesus for the first time. Thanks to all who served, all who sang, played an instrument, set up the tents, coffee, cake and more. Thanks to those who served in the nursery, ushered, greeted, did sound, cameras, lights, fed the screens and more. What an amazing team, what an amazing church and what a very amazing God. Let's keep going for it in 2008 and living heart-first and saying YES to the Lord.
Amazing things will happen on the other side of Yes in 2008,
Pastor Bernie

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