For several years, the Hip Hop culture has made simple statements upon the arrival of someone or simply to acknowledge their presence. They will say: "So and So is in dah house." I can truly say that: "God's grace is in the house." He is working in our midst and many great and new things are happening at LFC. Our Wednesday Night Class - A Christ- Like Life has been a great time and is well attended. We have even given a great new book out at each class - Divine Mentor by my friend, Pastor Wayne Cordeiro. We give one book away each week to one winner. So come and maybe you will win. New families and friends are coming on Sunday, and this past Sunday we say 13 people raise their hands in a statement of saying "Yes" to Jesus. Worship and the singing of the old hymn - " I surrender all" were moving. It is God's grace that are in this house and we are grateful to the Lord for all that He is doing in our midst. Our expansion is moving along and much will be taking place this week - it is all being done to make room for our growing church family and for one yet to come. This Sunday we are fortunate to have Glenn Burris Jr. with us to share a great message and simply bring to us the heart of the denomination we are a part of - Foursquare. Glenn is a great leader and we are fortunate to have him with us again - this will be his third time to be with us at LFC. So, back to grace....
And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.
--John 1:16
As human beings, you and I sin. We mess up. Even in our heart to make right decisions we will mess up for sure. And as we have been sharing on Sunday - when we mess up, we go to God and ask for forgiveness and then move into making a right decision - going the right way! Yeah, we mess up - in fact, you've probably already messed up today!
But the Scripture contains an amazing promise for you and me. It's found in the verse above and I believe it to be a great seasonal promise for where we are in the life of our church - right now.
God is big on dispensing grace. His heart is to release; "grace upon grace." It means that as believers, God's grace keeps flowing into our lives like the waves of the sea that just keep coming again and again and again. It's grace upon grace upon grace upon grace upon grace upon grace! Grace did not come to us once and never again. Grace did not come to us only at salvation. It's not as though we received God's grace five years ago and we're still trying to hang on to that grace. No. We keep receiving grace, grace, grace, grace and more grace... We never run out of the grace of God because His grace is infinite! You may be in need of some of God's grace right now. It is there for you. God gives us His grace the moment we're saved... and He continues to give us His grace each day... for daily strength and forgiveness, for power to face the trials and temptations of life and for us to be gracious to others and raise the value of others.
Lamentations 3:21-23 promises us, "The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." What do you need from Him today?
God's grace is new every morning! And it's my prayer for you that you would be encouraged and know you have this daily grace available to you. I pray that as you walk with the Lord today in the midst of all you do - you will sense His grace. May His grace continue to be in dah LFC house and in your house as well.Grace on you,
Pastor Bernie
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