More than words from Pastor Bernie Federmann

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

God's Plan and God's Way

Today's bible reading reminded me of that God always has a plan for everything and everyday and everyone of us. The details to the building of the temple were quite amazing and intricate but as you read you will see that even with all the structure and detail, God's Spirit moved in such a way that He "messed with" the order of service.


2 Chronicles 5: 11 -14

The priests then withdrew from the Holy Place. All the priests who were there had consecrated themselves, regardless of their divisions. 12 All the Levites who were musicians—Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun and their sons and relatives—stood on the east side of the altar, dressed in fine linen and playing cymbals, harps and lyres. They were accompanied by 120 priests sounding trumpets. 13 The trumpeters and singers joined in unison, as with one voice, to give praise and thanks to the LORD. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals and other instruments, they raised their voices in praise to the LORD and sang:
"He is good;
his love endures forever."

Then the temple of the LORD was filled with a cloud, and the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the LORD filled the temple of God.

Psalm 99:5

Exalt the LORD our God and worship at his footstool; he is holy.


As God's people were faithful to the tasks of building the temple (as prescribed) and faithful in heart to worship Him and raise their voices, He was faithful to allow them to be in His presence. God often times only does what He can do after we do all we can do. When we go to the end of our human ability and when we have worked the best laid plans of mice and men - God comes and does what only God can do. Notice what hearts and attitudes were essential in creating an atmosphere of God's presence.

Unity is the atmosphere for God's presence.
All the priests were present and had committed themselves regardless of their divisions - truly how good it is when we dwell together in unity! Unity is the atmosphere for God's presence. The worship was in unison - as with "one voice." They were not unplanned or unorganized but made room for God's plan in their midst.

Worship is the atmosphere for God's presence.
They went to great lengths to plan their worship service. Their garments, their instruments, 120 priests sounding trumpets and the singing. They gave praise to God and recognized His goodness and His love.

Obedience is the atmosphere for God's presence.
God blesses people who are doing the right thing. They have followed His instructions on building the temple, they have untied their hearts in dedication unto Him and now He is arriving to fill their gathering with His presence, so that those who were prepared to do ministry could not stand. God honors those who are diligent to plan and organize but He knows also, who can be interrupted.


While some would attempt to make the presence of God happen and others would expect a "I can't stand to minister" occurrence, these types of unusual manifestations are not common place. But there are times when God presence is sensed in our midst and we must respond to Him. Other times those who are leading or ministering must step aside to move in accordance with what God is saying, doing and desiring. Our plans can get in the way of our God. We can do it in church, in our homes, with our families or individually. We can miss the God times and simply walk away saying: "God did that!" We have been fortunate to have many of those times in the history of LFC. Times when God shows up and does what only God can do. Lives that He uniquely touches and anoints, heals and transforms. Times of great grace and growth. These are not to be "worked up" or "fabricated" but rather contended for by the right hearts or unity, worship and obedience. May I be a leader who follows God, leads people into His presence while fostering hearts of unity that are willing to serve and obey the Lord. This will allow God to find the right atmosphere at LFC.


Lord, you are welcome in my heart and my family and my church. Thank you for the times I sense your presence so near to me and in times when we gather as a church, that you come and touch us. I am willing to work your plan and to change my plan as you direct. You can interrupt me Lord - anytime.


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